
Showing posts from November, 2021
The Other Wes Moore; One Name, Two Fates Book by: Wes Moore Chapters 4-6 Blog   Who was to blame for the other Wes Moore’s upbringing? “The Other Wes Moore” does a really good job in providing us with excitement and anticipation. A story like this, where there is an intricate description of the characters’ lives from their childhoods to their adulthoods, gives you so much space to think about how things unfolded and, at the same time, how they could have happened differently. Moreover, I have to say that the elements that contributed to such contrasting lives between the two Wes Moore-s are quite absorbing. A term that we commonly used during our group’s discussion for the fourth to sixth chapters was “blame”.  Who was to blame for the other Wes Moore’s upbringing? Like I mentioned in my first essay for “The Other Wes Moore”, it was overwhelming to read about the situations that the main characters’ mothers found themselves in, so being able to grasp that si...
The Other Wes Moore; One Name, Two Fates Book by: Wes Moore Chapters 1-3 Blog Racism in healthcare “The Other Wes Moore” has been a delight to read. More than just schoolwork, this book is doing a great job in reminding me how much I love storytelling. Its thought-provoking fragments from the characters’ childhoods to their journeys towards adulthood make you think deeply about one’s unique course of life, and about the delicate decision-making which influences that path. Furthermore, learning about the characters’ experiences as black individuals in America was one of the main takeaways for me, and that has opened my eyes even more in relation to their struggles. Firstly, the segments in the book where the author describes the racism that his father experienced in the hospital were quite shocking (Chapter 1, pages 12-15). Not surprising, but still very shocking. Inadequate health care as a result of racism was one of the themes that my group and I discussed in class as well. We fe...